Sustainable Travel is Trending Upward: 6 Steps to Successful Vacation Rental Hosting

Sustainable Travel is Trending Up
Sustainable Vacaton Rental Hosting is really just Responsible Short-Term Rental Hosting. This is a tangible way you as a cottage owner can increase your ROI, improve your property ...and grow strong community relationships.

Eco-Travel’s not for everyone … yet.

But you may be shocked to discover how quickly the desire for eco-friendly travel options are rising. In 2023 80% of travellers surveyed were seeking sustainable vacation rental experiences. How does this translate to the short term rental industry in the Greater Muskoka Area?

Globally, travellers are on the hunt for travel destinations that offer them the experiences they want, while also allowing them to reduce their carbon footprint and luxuriate in short term rental spaces that are environmentally responsible. 

Regulators of housing and vacation rentals in all sectors are in need of evidence that vacation rentals are being managed and enjoyed responsibly, with respect to the local communities.

Responsible vacation rental hosting’s nothing fancy. Sustainable hosting is just being a responsible short-term rental host.

Sustainability is a problematic term.  It’s used, overused and even abused and applied to everything you can think of. When considering a healthy cycle of travelling, hosting, community and regulation though, sustainability is the only word we could think of that fit perfectly.

So how do we get started?

Is Making a Difference Even Possible?

It’s not easy to know where to begin, how to make a difference, how to be part of the solution going forward. But it’s also not rocket science. Travellers are looking for eco-friendly travel options for a reason, or many reasons. And they’re all good reasons. In 2024 sustainable travel is still a bit of a niche market, but the trend for more global travellers to be seeking eco-friendly vacation stays is on the up tick at a steep pace. When you’re debating whether to jump on board or not, consider looking ahead to the travel and tourism industry 10 years from now. It’s either get on board or watch the ship slowly pull away from you, as sustainable travel is quickly going to become the status quo in tourism. 2023 Traveller Survey Stats 2023 Traveller Survey

A Sustainable Vacation Rental Cycle in 6 Steps..

  • Right Fit: As Vacation Rental Managers we partner with Property Owners who are looking to increase their investment while renting their properties in a responsible way and are engaged with the process.
  • Property First Approach ensures that the rental space is in good repair, has comfortable bedding and furniture, and utilizes environmentally responsible solutions for cleaning, waste disposal and products.
  • Successful Guest Stays: Travellers seeking environmentally responsible vacation rentals will feel safe, comfortable and ethically aligned with each cottage stay. Better guest reviews.
  • Community: $1 per Night per Stay is donated directly back to community causes in Muskoka.
  • Good Neighbour/Regulator Relationships: Responsible hosting practices instill good will and confidence in neighbours, as well as in local officials and short term rental regulators. The perception and reputation of the vacation rental industry is elevated.
  • Smarter Regulation: regulators who are well informed (not just fielding complaints) and have an established rapor with vacation rental managers and property owners are better able to keep the industry healthy and implement smarter short term rental rules.

The Result:
Strong Property Owner ROI                    
Healthy Vacation Rental Industry
Stronger Environment and Community

In the spirit of thinking globally and acting locally, these are direct, tangible results, right in your own backyard, literally. 

Sustainability Cycle of Vacation Rentals

If you’re a property owner in Muskoka who’s considering renting out your waterfront cottage or home, maybe the Responsible Hosting Approach is right for you. Contact Limberlost Vacation Rental Management with your questions and let’s discover how we can help you achieve your vacation rental goals while making a difference locally and globally.

In our next issue we’ll give you some easy ways you can tweak your vacation rental right now to make a difference, also some forward planning to plan and budget for some bigger more meaningful changes as a responsible host.

Don’t just take our word for the fact that Sustainable Travel is a Thing…
see what these experts have to say on the subject:

Sustainable Travel Report 2023 from
Sustonica Sustainable Travel Accreditation
Rent Responsibly
Embracing Sustainability in Vacation Rentals
Global Sustainable Tourism Council

Still have questions? Talk to us any time.

Limberlost Vacation Rental Management

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